What Jobs Can You Find in Canada? The Complete Guide
When you first start thinking about working abroad, a lot of Google searches will probably revolve around finding out what jobs you can find in Canada. Working in Canada is a great opportunity to gain experience in an international setting, learn about a new culture, and also get paid for it!
Working abroad offers many opportunities for people from all sorts of backgrounds. You don’t have to be an experienced trade worker or have any special certification or licensing to work in Canada. Anybody with a background or skill set that is useful to an employer will be able to find work there.
What jobs can you find in Canada? This article covers everything you need to know about working in Canada as an international assignee, employee, co-op student, or as a freelance contractor.
Read about Successfully 6 tips on how to apply for any Job in Canada
Finding a Job in Canada
The first step in the process of working in Canada is finding a job. In many ways, this is the most important part of the process. Anybody can apply for a job in Canada- you don’t need to be a citizen or even a resident of the country to do so.
The only real requirement is that you be able to prove that you’re a skilled worker with a valuable skill set that is relevant to the position.
If you’re interested in working in Canada, it’s important to find the right kind of job.
There are three main types of working visas in Canada: the temporary work visa, the student visa, and the open work permit.
Working in Canada as an assignee
This is when you are sent to Canada by your employer in another country. You may be sent to work on a specific project for a limited time, or you may be transferred to a different office for an extended period.
You may also be sent to Canada on a commercial or diplomatic mission from your country. In this case, you will have diplomatic immunity.
Working in Canada as an employee
If you’re an employee, you’ll most likely be offered a contract that outlines the terms and conditions of your employment in Canada. Most Canadian employers will be familiar with this. You may be offered a contract that’s different from what you’re used to but many of the terms will be the same.
Working in Canada as a co-op student
Many Canadian universities offer co-op programs where you’ll work in conjunction with your studies. Typically, you’ll work for a set amount of time, anywhere from several weeks to several months, and then you’ll return to your studies.
Once your co-op is complete, you may be offered a full-time job. If you’re applying for a co-op program, you must have the appropriate work visa or permit. You must also have a job offer from an employer in Canada.
Working in Canada as a freelance contractor
If you are a freelancer, you may be able to work and reside in Canada for some time without having to obtain a work visa.
If you’re working as a contractor, you’ll be expected to provide a service and complete it either in person or remotely.
Once your contract is complete, you can leave Canada and continue to work remotely.
Which Industries Employ the Most People in Canada?
Canada’s economy is the 10th largest in the world by GDP. It’s also one of the most diverse. Depending on the region and city you live in, you may find that certain industries employ the majority of workers.
Here are some of the most popular industries in Canada:
- Agriculture
- forestry and fishing
- Mining and metals
- Services industry
- Construction
- Transportation and warehousing
- Manufacturing
- Wholesale and retail trade
- Health and social services
- Finance and insurance
How to Find an Employer in Canada
Once you know what job you want to do in Canada, your next step is finding an employer. After all, you can’t work in Canada unless you have a job to go to! Since the process of finding an employer depends on the type of job you’re applying for, we’ll break it down for you.
Finding a job as an assignee in Canada
If you’re looking for a job as an assignee in Canada, your first step is to contact your Human Resources team at your current job. There’s a good chance that your company has business in Canada, or maybe considering expanding into the country. If not, your next step is to do some research and find potential employers.
You can start with the Canadian Embassy in your home country, the Canadian Consulate General, or the Canadian Trade Commissioner Service.
Finding a job as an employee
If you’re looking for a job as an employee in Canada, it’s important to understand the difference between a job offer and an employment offer. Once you’ve found a company that you’d like to work for, an employer will invite you to interview for a job.
You will then likely be invited to apply for a specific position. Once you’ve applied for a position, you can expect to wait anywhere from a few days to a few weeks before you hear back with an employment offer. This is your official offer- the one you’ll sign and return. It’s at this point that you have the option to negotiate your pay.
Finding a job as a co-op student in Canada
If you’re applying to work as a co-op student in Canada, your first step is to find an appropriate program. Many Canadian universities offer co-op programs, but you can also find programs at community colleges as well. Once you’ve found an appropriate program, you’ll need to apply and be accepted into the program.
Once you’re accepted, you’ll be expected to find an employer. Your university or college will likely have a list of potential employers that you can contact. You can also use the same methods to find an employer that you would use to find a job if you weren’t enrolled in a co-op program.
Once you have an employer on board, you can apply for a co-op work permit. This will allow you to work in Canada for the duration of your program.
Finding a job as a freelance contractor
Freelance work in Canada
If you’re a freelance contractor, you can expect to earn between CAD$10,000-$100,000 per year. Although these figures are a bit higher than the salaries of other types of workers, you also have to pay taxes on your earnings. That means that you should expect to earn less than these figures after taxes.
If you’re looking for a job as a freelance contractor in Canada, you can start by contacting businesses and government departments in the area where you want to work. You can also join networking groups and find potential customers on Upwork.
Once you’ve found a client, you can sign a contract with them. This contract will outline the terms of your business relationship. You’ll have to provide proof of your identity and obtain the appropriate work permit before beginning work.
What You Can Earn as an International Worker in Canada
Depending on the type of job you do in Canada, you can expect to earn anywhere from CAD$10,000-$100,000 per year. While salaries for specific positions vary, the average salary for an international worker in Canada is CAD$48,500.
This is roughly equivalent to SGD$33,000 and USD$35,000 annually. Depending on where you live and how well you negotiate your pay, you could easily earn more than the average.
The Bottom Line
Canada is a great place to find work if you’re an international worker. It has a diverse economy, a friendly culture, and a low cost of living.
While finding a job in Canada isn’t necessarily easier than finding work in other countries, it does have several advantages.
Firstly, you’ll have access to the same employment opportunities that Canadian citizens have. This means that your job hunt will be much wider than it would be in a smaller economy.