Masharti ya Kujiunga JKT 2022 | Qualifications
To prepare young people for a responsible society and a work ethic.
Masharti ya Kujiunga JKT 2022 | Qualifications
Conditions for a young volunteer for joining the Nation Building Army
1. Be a citizen of Tanzania
2. Must be between the ages of 18-23
3. Should have completed seventh grade and continue
4. He must not be married and have no dependents
5. Be willing to follow all the military rules that will be on him while in the military (escape, theft, drunkenness, smoking marijuana, drugs and pregnancy etc.) The military is a serious offense and you will be prosecuted and terminated by JKT
6. Be ready to return home after concluding his contract with the Nation Building Army
7. Have good manners and conduct
Masharti ya Kujiunga JKT 2022 | Qualifications
Terms of lawful young man for joining the Army for Nation Building
1. Be a citizen of Tanzania
2. Must be between 18-35 years old
3. Must have completed Form Six and continue
4. Be willing to follow all the military rules that will apply to him while in the military (Smoking bang, drugs and abortion will be prosecuted and terminated by JKT
5. Absenteeism is unacceptable and the absenteeism offense the contract will be moved forward
6. Have good manners and conduct
JKT enrolls young volunteers from all regions of the country every year. The procedure used is for JKT to write a letter to the regional heads and outline the vacancies that the region has been allocated.
After the Region received a letter from the JKT Chief and the number of vacancies for young people scheduled to join. The province allocates those positions according to its districts. Districts are also required to deploy in divisions, counties and villages. District officials often post advertisements for these vacancies on their bulletin board.
Masharti ya Kujiunga JKT 2022 | Qualifications
JKT announces opportunities to join the army through Government and private media with a view to speeding up the report. for citizens especially the youth. Preliminary interviews are held under the District Defense and Security Committees where the youths come from, later held in the region, to determine the number of youths in the entire region.
When the exercise is completed in the regions, JKT sends teams of officers and soldiers from JKT Headquarters to screen young people interviewed in all regions of Mainland Tanzania. Young people are tested for their health and transported to JKT forces.
The Army to Build a Nation (JKT), has announced volunteer training opportunities for young people while emphasizing that it will not be involved in providing and finding jobs for them in organizations, defense and security agencies, governmental and non-governmental organizations.
This was said by the Head of the Administrative Branch of (JKT), Brigadier General Hassan Mabena today, Thursday August 25, 2022 while speaking to journalists about various JKT issues. Saying that the process will involve the youth of mainland Tanzania and Zanzibar.
Masharti ya Kujiunga JKT 2022 | Qualifications
He noted that the procedure for young people to apply and be selected to join the training is being coordinated by the offices of regional and district heads starting today Thursday.
He said that after taking the young people who completed the sixth form who are graduating their training next month, the next step is to take those who want to volunteer, saying that among the criteria is from 16 to 18 years for those with seventh grade education.
“A person with a fourth form education should not be more than 20 years old, a sixth form person should not be more than 18 years old and not more than 22 years old. At the diploma level, their age should not exceed 25 years, a degree should not exceed 26 years and a master’s degree should not exceed 30 years.
Masharti ya Kujiunga JKT 2022 | Qualifications
“For young people who completed form four and form six from the years 2019 to 2022, they must have a score of at least 32 and have a grade of first to fourth for young people in form six. They must have a birth certificate and grade seven and not be and the mark of drawing the body,” said Brigadier General Mabena.
Apart from that, Brigadier Mabena said JKT is not involved in providing employment to young people who will have the opportunity of training or finding them employment in other areas, but it provides training that helps them become self-employed after finishing the contract with the army.
Masharti ya Kujiunga JKT 2022 | Qualifications
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Masharti ya Kujiunga JKT 2022 | Qualifications