Majina Ya Waliopata Mkopo HESLB Loan Allocation 2022/23,Orodha ya majina ya wanafunzi waliopata mkopo 2022/2023, HESLB | Orodha ya majina ya wanafunzi waliopata mkopo 2022/2022, HESLB Applicants Loan Status 2022/2023: Majina ya waliopata mkopo awamu ya kwanza 2022/2023,Majina Ya Waliopata Mkopo HESLB 2022 High Education Students Loan Board releases the names for applicants who have been granted the loan for 2022/2023
Majina Ya Waliopata Mkopo HESLB Loan Allocation 2022/23

The Higher Education Student Loan Board (HESLB) is a corporate entity established under Act No. 9 of 2004 (as amended in 2007, 2014 and 2016) with the aim of helping needy and eligible students in Tanzania to access loans and grants for higher education.
HESLB’s main mandates include:
- The purpose of this programme is to provide financial support to students who want to pursue higher education but lack the financial means to do so.
- To ensure that loans are repaid by borrowers. The Board relies on collecting overdue loans from loan beneficiaries to sustain its operations.
- Establishing strategic partnerships in the student financing ecosystem can create synergies.
About Loan Application
HESLB executes one of the key mandates in servicing college student loans. Each year, the board prepares the Loan Application Almanac to guide the loan process for needy and eligible students. According to the Almanac, the loan application window opens once a year. Eligible undergraduate and graduate students are welcome to apply.
The eligibility criteria and application process are stipulated in the Loan Application Guide for the respective year which can be downloaded from this site. Prospective applicants are encouraged to read the guidelines carefully, prepare the prerequisites and apply online through the Online Application and Management System (OLAMS).
Check Majina Ya Waliopata Mkopo HESLB 2022 Loan Allocation
How to check Your HESLB Loan allocation – HESLB Batch 1 allocation status
Good news to all HESLB loan applicants, HESLB loan allocation second batch status is now available online to check your loan allocation status Simply Visit The HESLB Online Loan Application and Management System website
HESLB list of 2022/23 Loan Beneficiaries for undergraduates second batch has been released , You can check full list of names by using the link below
To view the full list of HESLB loan beneficiaries >>Click here
To know your status, click ‘Applicant’s Loan Status’ link and enter your Form IV index number you used when applying for loans and password.
Login To check your loan allocation status online
Student beneficiaries:
- To submit necessary information to Loan Officer (Registration number and bank details)
- To sign payments sent to his / her college within the stipulated time
- To inform the Loan Officer in advance, if there is any problem related to their loans
- To visit HESLB website for more information on Higher Education Loans
Majina Ya Waliopata Mkopo HESLB 2022|Release date of Phase II list
Regarding the announcement of the Phase II list, Badru said it is scheduled to be released on Thursday, October 21, 2022 after completing the ongoing application analysis and urging loan applicants to visit their SIPA accounts to get information about their applications.
“This list of first comprises students qualified, including being needy, have applied correctly and have the admission of an academy … we completed the analysis of other applications and marry a second list in the next two days,
Majina Ya Waliopata Mkopo HESLB 2022

HESLB Act and regulations provide for General Eligibility and Criteria for applicants seeking loans. NEEDY and ELIGIBLE applicants must apply for loans and/or grants to meet part or full costs of their education.
Click Here to read more about Current Application Guidelines | Guidelines Jinsi ya Kuomba Mkopo HESLB
Majina Ya Waliopata Mkopo HESLB
ELIGIBILITY | Sifa waombaji wa Mkopo HESLB 2022-2023 – Needy Applicant
SHESLB Act and regulations provide for General Eligibility and Criteria for applicants seeking loans. NEEDY and ELIGIBLE applicants must apply for loans and/or grants to meet part or full costs of their education.

Needy Applicant
In addition to general eligibility, additional criteria define NEEDY applicant who is not above 35 years of age at the time of application, also must be/have a poor:-
- Orphan who has lost both parents or partial orphan who has lost one parent. An applicant has to produce a death certificate approved by RITA or ZCSRA or respective Embassies located in the United Republic of Tanzania (URT);
- Disabled student with disability shall have to complete and present a fully Self-Disability Form (SDF-1) to be approved by the District Medical Officer (DMO), Regional Medical Officer (RMO) or any designated medical expert with recognized affiliations.
- Parents with disability shall have to present a Parent Disability Form (PDF-2) to be approved by the District Medical Officer (DMO), Regional Medical Officer (RMO) or any designated medical expert with recognized affiliations.
- From lower income household and/or marginalized community whose secondary school or diploma education
was partially or fully sponsored or supported by recognized institutions, and/or a community group, and individual(s), who can present evidence of such support. - All applicants under this sponsorship category, will have to ask their respective sponsors to fill a Standard Corporate Sponsorship Form (SCSF-3) which shall be downloaded from HESLB website and upload it along with other attachments in the application forms. All SCSF-3 will have to be authenticated by a dully approved signatory and owner of the respective organization.
- From lower income household and/or marginalized community, which is under Special Economic Support Programs such as Tanzania Social Action Fund (TASAF). They should provide the program beneficiary’s number and attach TASAF ID.
Orodha ya majina ya wanafunzi waliopata mkopo 2022/2023, HESLB | Orodha ya majina ya wanafunzi waliopata mkopo 2022/2022, HESLB Applicants Loan Status 2022/2023: Majina ya waliopata mkopo awamu ya kwanza 2022/2023, Awamu ya Pili ya Waliopata Mkopo 2022/2023, Awamu ya Tatu ya Waliopata Mkopo 2022/2023, Awamu ya nne ya Waliopata