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Check Online Matric Exam Results 2023/2024
How To Check Matric Results Online 2023/2024
Results from the matriculation have been successfully uploaded online. To check your results, take the actions listed below:
When will the matric results for the class of 2023 be made public?
The DBE (Department of Basic Education) has just announced that the 2022 Matric Exams will be completed by December 15th, 2022 (this year).
- And the matric class of 2022 will get their results on January 20, 2023.
- Matric Results’ official Release Date is January 20, 2023
Checking Your Results At The Department of Basic Education Website
- Visit the Matric Results Portal for the Department of Basic Education.
- Enter ID and Matric Number in the Required Field
- To obtain your Matric 2023 results, click the ‘Search’ button.
- Note: You may need the following to log in: Exam Number, Home Language, Your personal details (name, surname, etc.)
- The DBE website is zero-rated, so you may visit it whether or not you have data.
The Department of Basic Education’s website contains important information.
- You can access the DBE website whether or not you have data because it is zero-rated.
- The website shows the National Senior Certificate (NSC) test results for 2023.
- The school or testing location where the candidate took the exam has access to the Statement of Results..
- The results published on the website may not include certain candidates’ results due to technical limitations.
- Please visit the school/exam center where you registered if a candidate’s results do not show up.
- The content of this website may be changed at any time by the Department of Basic Education.
- Your results, if you attended a public or government school, will undoubtedly be posted on this website.
- Go to the IEB Matric Results 2022 Portal via
- Enter your Exam Number & Date of Birth in the required field
- Click on the ‘Submit‘ button to access your Matric 2023 / 2024 Results
On the day of the release, keep in mind that website traffic will be high, so plan on response times being delayed.
Using the Matricsmate App
- Download the MatricsMate app from Google Play Store or Apple Play Store
- Enter your 13-digit identification number and exam number.
- You will then have access to the matriculation results as soon as they become available.
GAUTENG Matric Results 2023/2024
- According to the government
The GPG Matric App lets you obtain your results as soon as they are available using your smartphone or other device with an internet connection.
- Gauteng Matric Results Checker Page –
- Enter your exam number and click the search button.
Checking Your Mathematical Results Through Your High School
Your high school will have your Matric 2023 results available. Your school will give you your results one day following the initial results announcement.
Not much better: These are only your subject grades; they are not the actual matriculation certificate. Once it has been fully produced, you will be able to pick up your official matriculation certificate.
You should get in touch with your institution for more information if you urgently require specific dates.
Matric Results Via Newspaper
Your results will be published in national newspapers on the date they are released. It will appear in all of the major newspaper brands, including The Rapport, The Argus, and The Star.
Keep in mind that these are not your final findings. It will simply mention whether or not you passed and what symbol you passed with – B for Bachelors Pass, D for Diploma, and so on.
Checking Matric Results Through SMS And USSD 2023/24
You may use your own or someone else’s cell phone to obtain your findings. The Department of Basic Education and SABC Education have created a service that allows you to get an SMS with your findings. You can register to receive your results as soon as they become available.
- Register via SMS.
- Send your exam number to 35658.
- You’ll get a confirmation SMS once you’ve successfully registered.
- Answer a few multiple-choice questions.
- Get your matric results immediately when they are released
- Use the USSD service.
- Register using the USSD code *120*35658#
- Answer a few multiple questions
- Enter your ID number.
- You will get your matric results per subject.
- USSD rates apply
You can also go old school by phoning to access your matric results Be aware that lots of matric students will be phoning to find out their results, so you might wait for quite a while to get your results.
- Dial 082 152 for your results.
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SMSs are charged at R1,50 and R1,50 per minute on USSD.
What does “C” stand for on the matric exam?
Matric results with pass symbols Code 7 (A): 80–100% (Outstanding achievement) Code 6 (B): 70–79% (Meritorious achievement) Code 5 (C): 60–69% (substantial achievement) Code 4 (D): 50–59% (Moderate achievement)
What does 777 indicate on a matriculation exam?
outstanding mark
What does B mean on a matriculation exam?
Bachelors Degree Pass. Must achieve at least 40 percent in your Home Language. Must get at least a 50% in four more High Credit courses. Must get at least 30 percent in two other disciplines.
What is a matric distinction?
What proportion represents a distinction? In South African secondary schools, a distinction is awarded to students with an average of 80 percent or higher.
Is 70% a significant distinction?
At the school level, percentages between 75 and 85 are considered average, while those above 95 are extraordinary. However, at the university level, percentages of between 60 and 79 are regarded as good and are quite tough to achieve. The university that awards distinction for a score of 70% may have a passing grade of 45%.
Is a grade of 70 an honor at school?
Thus, the percentages are calibrated as follows at the University of Cape Town and the University of South Africa (UNISA): a 1st class pass is awarded for 75% and above; a second (division one) for 70-74%; a second (division two) for 60%-69%; and a third for 50-59%. Any grade below 40% is failing.
What percentage is a difference?
What do my grades/marks indicate?