Apply For The Anchor Borrowers Programme:- The goal of CBN’s Anchor Borrowers Program is to establish a connection between the anchor companies taking part in the process and the smallholder farmers (SHFs) who are producing the essential key agricultural commodities.
The Federal Government established the Anchor Borrowers Programme, a Central Bank of Nigeria intervention scheme, in 2015 with the goal of boosting the agricultural sector of the economy. It aims to forge a financial connection between small-scale farmers and agro-processors/anchors.
A value chain approach is used by the program, connecting input with production, processing, and marketing. The program is designed to increase smallholder farmers’ access to high-quality agricultural inputs and, as a result, improve the quality of their produce to meet international standards.
The Anchor Borrowers Program (ABP) main goals are as follows:
- Improve access to finance
- Diversify the economy
- Create jobs and
- Inclusive growth.
The Anchor is the business or organization that requests funding for a group of smallholder farmers with land holdings ranging from one to five hectares, whom it has identified as the source of a particular quantity and quality of produce for their processing requirements.
How To Apply For The Anchor Borrower’s Programme;
Step 1:
Submit an Expression of Interest (EOI);
For example, an Expression of Interest for NIRSAL MICROFINANCE BANK to be the PFI in the Maize Farmers Project under the CBN Anchor Borrowers Programme. The anchor (a company, cooperative, or association) writes an Expression of Interest to the bank to be their PFI (Participating Financial Institution). We reply to the anchor via email after receiving the EOI (Expression of Interest). We ask that you please:
- The commodity required
- The list of farmers required (numbers, names, BVNs)
- The processor’s capacity to offtake the produce from the farmers at harvest
- The choice of NIRSAL Microfinance Bank as the Participating Financial Institution (PFI) for the project, etc.
Step 2:
The legal team will conduct a due diligence search after the anchor has submitted all the necessary paperwork, including the title deed that will be used as collateral.
ABP will conduct an independent valuation exercise and the legal team will provide a checklist for the creation of a legal mortgage, which the ABP team will forward to the anchor if the search report is positive, i.e., free from any encumbrances. We anticipate that the anchor will be holding town hall meetings, PMT (Project Management Team) meetings, land mapping, and preparation of the farm lands while all of this is going on.
Step 3:
request to CBN;
A fund request will be made to the Central Bank of Nigeria.
Step 4:
Offer Letter and Disbursement
The tripartite agreement is executed following the delivery of the offer letter to the anchor. Disbursement starts once CBN has received the funds.
Click Here To Apply For The Anchor Borrowers Programme
Login to the Anchor Borrowers Programme Portal
For more information about how to Apply For The Anchor Borrowers Programme, visit the Anchor Borrowers Programme Portal.
Models That Nirsal MFB Can Access
The ABP comes in four models. They stand in for the routes that users can take to access the system.
The figures are
1). The Private Sector Model;
Involves Farmers, Bank, and Anchor. Farmers are the primary obligors, and banks distribute inputs, anchor aggregates, and offtake commodities. Agreement between the Bank, Anchor, and Farmer forms the basis of the arrangement.
2). The Prime Anchor Model;
Agro-processors/anchors assume full responsibility for enabling farmers to access loans and act as both obligee and consumer of the produced good. They provide collateral cover, which may be in the form of landed property or cash collateral, in order to access the funds on behalf of the farmers.
3). The Commodities Associations Model;
The primary creditor and offtaker of the farmer’s product is the state government. The state government gives the PFI an irrevocable standing payment order to pay the principal and interest owed in full.
4. The Public Sector (State Government) Model
The primary obligor is the farmer, who is coordinated by the commodity association. They work together to off-take the anchor.
Eligible commodities:
The anchor is free to choose the commodity he wants for the processing facility. Agricultural products like cassava, cotton, fish, groundnuts, maize, poultry, rice, soy beans, wheat, cattle, sorghum, ginger, castor seed, sesame, tomato, cocoa, oil palm, pepper, etc.
How long is the loan?
The gestation of the commodity determines the loan’s tenor.
The Amount of the Loan and Interest Rate
based on the commodity’s Economics of Production (EoP). The interest rate is currently 5% per year to help mitigate the impact of the COVID19 pandemic, down from 9% per year.
How to Repay Anchor Borrower’s programme Loan?
The harvested produce is used to pay back the loan.
Apply For The Anchor Borrowers Programme online.
See Also
Zamcash online Loan.
Online Branch Loan Application