Which courses may I study in when I complete the advanced level this year?
Kozi Bora za Art?
This is a question that many people have been asking themselves. COURSES IN HGL, HGK, HKL, HGE, AND CBG
The solution to your problem is here. Today I am going to solve it by using vivid examples from different sources, but I will be basing much of it on the TCU guidebook for 2023/2024.
Due to the large number of students that study ART courses in Tanzania, there is rivalry among these students in a variety of fields.
Due to their legal right to attend university, Tanzanian universities provide a variety of courses for students and others who pursue artistic studies.
Kozi Bora za Art Combination HKL
- Bsc. Nursing (you must C ya chemistry, D in biology
- na E in Phys, Nutrition or mathematics)
- Bsc. Medical laboratory science (you must have C of
- chemistry, D in biology and E in Phys)
- Bachelor of Science in Optometry((you must have E of
- chemistry/mathematics, D in biology na C in Phys)
- Bachelor of Sciences in Health Laboratory
- Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy((lazima uwe na C ya chemistry, D in biology na E in Phys)
- Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Sciences in Clinical Chemistry,
- Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Sciences in Histotechnology,
- Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science in Microbiology and Immunology,
- Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Sciences in Parasitology and Medical Entomology and
- Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Sciences General
- ((Kozi 7 hapo juu lazima uwe na C ya chemistry, D in biology na E in physics)
- Bachelor of Science in Environmental Health Sciences (BSc EHS) (lazima uwe na C ya chemistry, D in biology na E in Phys/Nutrition, mathematics or agriculture, geography)
For the below course you need minimum of 4 points
- Bsc. Microbiology
- Bsc. Molecular biology & Biotechnology
- Bsc. Biotechnology & Laboratory science
- Bsc. Food science & Technology
- Bsc. Agronomy
- Bsc. Animal science & production
- Bsc. Wildlife management
- Bsc. Veterinary medicine
- Bsc. Forestry
- Bsc. Agricultural general
- Bsc. With Education
Kozi Bora za Art Combination HGL, HGK, HKL, HGE, CBG
Kozi Bora za Art Combination CBG
Many CBG students hope to work as nurses, pharmacists, or in other health-related professions. The Bachelor of Science in Environmental Health Sciences (BSc EHS), which demands grades of C in chemistry, D in biology, and E in physics, as well as coursework in nutrition, mathematics, or agriculture, is the only health program that CBG students are allowed to enroll in this year.
The following courses for students who studied HKL, HGK, HGE, or HGL may be more advantageous for them to pursue at a university:
- Bachelor of Art with Education .
- Bachelor of Science with Education.
- Bachelor of Science in Information Technology.
- Bachelor of Business Administration.
- Bachelor of Arts in Economics.
- Bachelor of Science in Urban and Regional Planning.
- Bachelor of Science in Regional Development Planning.
- Bachelor Degree in International Relations and Diplomacy.
- Bachelor Degree in Marketing.
- Bachelor Degree in Procurement and Supplies Chain Management.
- Bachelor Degree in Business Studies with Education.
- Bachelor of Education in Arts
- Bachelor of Education in Science.
- Bachelor Degree in Public Administration.
- Bachelor of Accounting with Information Technology.
- Bachelor of Banking with Apprenticeship.
- Bachelor of Insurance and Risk Management.
- Bachelor Degree in Adult Education and Community Development.
- Bachelor of Science in Insurance and Risk Management.
- Bachelor of Science in Tax Management.
How to select Kozi bora za art for Combination HGL, HGK, HKL, HGE, CBG
See Also
- Orodha Vyuo vya IT Tanzania: Information Technology
- Vyuo vya Sheria Tanzania: The Law School of Tanzania 2023
Guide to Choosing the Best High Paying Education Courses in Tanzania

Do you have an interest in continuing your education but aren’t sure where to start? Perhaps you feel ready to take the next step in your education and can’t wait any longer. Perhaps you see the opportunity to continue your education as a way to advance your career or increase your earnings potential.
Unless you are one of those fortunate few who has a high-paying job that covers tuition, living expenses and housing, continuing your education may not seem like an affordable option.
But there are many benefits to getting additional training beyond a high school diploma. Even if the cost of continuing your education is prohibitive at this time, it’s never too early to begin planning for a higher educational future. The good news is that there are several high-paying jobs that don’t necessarily require an advanced degree but still lead to an increased standard of living and provide numerous opportunities for advancement.
Here we will look at some of the highest paying jobs that require only an associate or bachelor’s degree, as well as different types of tertiary education courses in Tanzania which may allow you to get such degrees from affordable universities in Tanzania with low admission requirements.
Kozi Zenye Kipaumbele Mkopo HESLB 2022/23 Pdf Download
This is the guide Choosing the Best High Paying Education Courses
Know What Jobs Pay the Most
There are many high-paying jobs in almost every field of study. It is important to remember, however, that the amount you earn after graduation is not always indicative of how much time, money and effort it took to get there.
For example, engineers and computer scientists often have the highest paying jobs after graduation but require a significant amount of schooling and experience.
Doctors and nurses are always in high demand and make good money, but it is a very stressful and demanding job with long hours.
Know Which Degree Will Get You There
There are many types of degrees that will lead to high-paying jobs but most of them require some form of post-secondary education. This can be anything from a two-year associate’s degree to a four-year bachelor’s degree program.
Most of these high-paying jobs require either an engineering or computer science degree or a medical degree. But there are many other professions that also pay very well without requiring the same level of time and financial investment.
Know Which Degree Is Right for You
Many students begin their journey toward a high-paying job with the best of intentions but then lose momentum and drop out of their program of study. The reasons are as varied as the students themselves, but the financial strain is often one of the biggest factors.
If you choose to pursue a degree in engineering, for example, you can expect to pay between $50,000 and $100,000 before you even begin working.
Ask yourself, Should You Go to College in Tanzania For the Right Degree?
There are many reasons to consider studying in Tanzania. The first is cost, of course. It is much more affordable to study in Tanzania than it is in the U.S. or Europe. Not only are the tuition and living costs significantly less than at Western universities, but you can also apply for scholarship funding if you qualify.
See Also
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RITA Confirmation Number Online For HESLB Loan Application
How to select Kozi bora za art for Combination HGL, HGK, HKL, HGE, CBG